Competing in today’s landscape, law firms must have an online presence that establishes more than just competence and trust. Prospective clients need to feel your brand, the firm’s personality and culture, just like they’ve come to expect from a site where they buy natural products or choose a rideshare. You are marketing yourself, your services, and your firm though this site. Whatever type your firm or goal for your site, here are 7 of the best premium WordPress themes for lawyers.
Lawyer Base
For a business look think of using Lawyer Base, appropriate for law firms and corporate applications alike. This theme makes it particularly easy to design lawyer bios and blogs for each. Include a blog for the firm and widgets for social media feeds as well with three layout styles. Put movement into the site easily with included Master Slider with drag and drop setup and managed timeline transition. $59.
Want to truly stand out from the legal crowd? You’ll customize this site far more than the made-for-law sites and in exchange you’ll have a look and feel all your own.
This most popular overall WordPress theme is not specifically for law. It’s high concept. It’s fully responsive meaning it looks good on any device and in all browsers. Since over 20% of seekers use their smartphone to search law firms, this is important. Search engine optimized and innovative, using CSS3 and HTML5 Ascent lives up to its name.
Sound daunting? Ascent can be. You’ll need above average tech savvy and an ability to organize content to use a general theme like this. If you don’t know what HTML5 is, either learn or hire a consultant.
Where you’ll really shine with this theme is in how you tell the story of your firm, and when and how you incite a call to action. After viewers see your compelling images and brief text on the slider at top of page, you’ll communicate through a series of blog posts. The opportunity here is to engage in a conversation, using personal stories and case studies to let the client know you and put themselves in their own story of what it will be like working with you and your firm. Free.
The Modern Law Firm
You just started your firm, you’ve got a few colleagues ready to join and you need to get an online presence fast. The Modern Law Firm is your choice. First up is a full page slider and call to action. Choose these images to define your brand. Select images that immediately define what you do — aggressive litigators, divorce attorneys, or maybe labor law. Set your page up with the page editor and tell stories or add staff bios to engage the reader or to establish authority. As you design your page, you see what your final version will be and not work with code to start. Your pages are search engine optimized, and you add your own logo and colors. Multiple attorney bios. Free.
Find lots of customizations for law firms or single attorneys with Factum and save time in setup. This single page site does more than most single pages though. With Factum, services, personnel, clients, and testimonials each have their own theme. Add a blog section and social media widgets. Then you can go beyond the basics with page builder support that lets you build pages your way, and change among themes within the theme. All pricing plans come with what Factum calls “fanatic support” and range from $49 to $249.
Want clients to be able to book appointments right from your site? Consider Defender, which also ranks at least 4.5 out of 5 on design, features, customizability and support. This clean, modern site has angled image and graphics boxes, typography and UI/UX found on innovative consumer sites. You also get design elements like Slider Revolution, custom posts and widgets, and full documentation and support as you set this up. $48.
Law Office
Of all the sites your prospects and customers would find Law Office to provide a transparent look at you, your firm, your pricing, and how to contact you. In fact, the form asking for their contact information is on the first page, flanking an image of your choosing that could say friendly, tough, cerebral, or scrappy. Law Office is fully responsive and comes with a long list of plugins; you add e commerce and a shopping cart from within the theme, as well as having Visual Composer and Language support. $59.
Want a high concept site but some built in customization for law firms? DeJure gets you into the 21st Century for website design, and still provides shortcuts that leave no doubt that you’re in the field. DeJure gives you full-width page options with off canvas sidebar and menu. Within each page, you can create a unique display with drag and drop functions, use a live Customizer and the Visual composer. If you or a buddy have a design background you will find no more flexible choice to get your website looking your way than DeJure. $49